Agriculture is one of the main sources of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in Latvia, accounting for 24% of the country's total GHG emissions.

Latvia is the country with the second highest share of agricultural GHG emissions in the European Union.



A guide for farmers has been published, which summarizes practices for mitigating climate change. Read more
A report prepared by the Latvian Rural Advisory and Training Centre on the installation of no-till demonstrations has... Read more
The online conference on three methods of climate-friendly agriculture has ended. Read more
Three videos about climate responsible agriculture - biochar, no-till farming and controlled drainage. Read more

About project


The objective of the project is to implement, test, evaluate, promote and provide guidance on effective and economically feasible means for the reduction of agricultural GHG emissions while preserving stable income for farmers by taking an ecosystem-based approach.

Specific objectives:

  • Increase farmer and political decision-maker awareness about available GHG emission reducing agricultural practices by developing a guidebook that lists all the relevant climate responsible agricultural practices applicable in the Baltic Sea region;
  • Implement, test and demonstrate 3 different GHG emission reducing agricultural management practices at farm level;
  • Adapt remote sensing based monitoring instruments for improved evaluation of national policy efficiency targeting agricultural GHG emission reduction.


Preparatory actions
Elaboration of the technical documentation and acquisition of permits for installation of controlled drainage systems

The goal of the action is the preparation for the actual implementation phase through the elaboration of technical documentation and acquisition of permits for installation of controlled drainage systems (CDS).

The activity has ended. The technical documentation of both KDS has been agreed, they have been built and put into operation (in Mengeles parish in 2020, in Smiltene in 2022).

Purchase / lease of land
Lease of land for installation of CDS

Installation of CDS will take place on agricultural land that will be leased for project duration (5 years) from a private landowner. A preliminary lease agreement with the landowner has been reached. IES will be allowed to install and operate CDS as well as perform other activities foreseen in the project on 80 hectares of agricultural lands.

The activity has ended. The action is implemented on ca 80 ha. Farms “Tilbe” and “Uppsala” are located in Mengele parish and allocated 42.9 ha for the project. The farm "Rožkalni" is located in Smiltene parish and here 37.7 ha were used for the needs of the project.


Implementation actions
Compilation of agricultural best practice measures for climate change mitigation

The action aims at assessing different agricultural measures to mitigate climate change and compile the best practice available and equip stakeholders with know-how. The action will consist of the following activities:

  1. Experience exchange seminar on agricultural measures to mitigate GHG emissions.
  2. Preparation of the guidebook about best practice measures for climate change mitigation in agriculture.

The document will include compilation and assessment, including cost-effectiveness, of different measures applied in the agricultural sector and practical advice on how to implement the measures on the farm level.

The activity has ended. A guide for farmers has been created. The PDF version of the guide-book is available HERE. The online conference "Climate-friendly agricultural methods" took place. A video recording of the conference is available here: Online conference "Climate-friendly agricultural methods".

Demonstration of emission reduction through the use of soil carbon enrichment

The objective of this action is to evaluate and demonstrate the use of biochar for the reduction of emissions from agricultural soils in Latvian climate conditions. In the project, the use of biochar made out of wood and hay pellets will be demonstrated. By using the methods proposed by the project the farmers would achieve economic benefits by lowering the running costs of their farms. 

The activity has ended. We have applied biochar in three farms. In farm “Avotiņi” we incorporated it together with the cover crops already in autumn 2018. The other two farms - “Atvases” and “Mazbungas” incorporated in the spring of 2019. In one of the farms it was incorporated together with manure, but in the second one biochar was inoculated with a microbiological preparation before incorporation into the soil.

We have also prepared recommendations for biochar production. You can find them HERE. Recommendations for the use of biochar in agriculture are available HERE.

Demonstration of emission reduction through no-till technique

The objective of this action is to evaluate and demonstrate the application of no-till farming as an effective measure for GHG emission reduction in Latvian climate conditions. No-till farming is a way of growing crops without disturbing the soil through tillage. The no-till technique increases organic matter retention, therefore increases also carbon storage and cycling of nutrients in the soil. It increases the amount and variety of life in and on the soil, including disease-causing organisms and disease suppression organisms. The main benefit of no-tillage from an agricultural perspective is improvement in soil biological fertility, resulting in more resilient soils.

The activity has ended. In no-till testing nine farms are involved, all of them are located in Nitrate Vulnerable Zone. All farms involved have applied the no-till system for two years now. During the first season (in 2019) no-till was applied on 143ha.  During the second season, no-till was applied on 156 ha. We have established an interest group of farmers that consist of both farmers involved in the project and farmers who are interested in no-till but are not applying it yet. The interest group meets regularly, visits sown fields, discusses various issues related to sowing and productivity.

Demonstration of CDS capacity for GHG emission reduction and sequestration

The objective of the action is to install, test, and demonstrate CDS capacity for GHG emission reduction and carbon sequestration on 4 pilot sites with total coverage of 80 hectares. The available territory will be divided into control and CDS implementation fields, where crop yields and GHG emissions can be compared from business-as-usual and CDS management scenarios. The CDS system is expected to be an innovative, sustainable and cost-effective management technique for long-term GHG emission reduction.

The activity has ended. Both CDS have been built, a weather station has also been built (measurements of parameters of precipitation, air temperature, etc.), and a ground water level measurement station has also been built. Remote sensing data collection by aircraft was also carried out. The results of the study are summarized in the technical report on the installation of controlled drainage. Report available HERE.

Adaptation of methodology for GHG emission evaluation using remote sensing data

Within this action, remote sensing techniques will be used for the adaptation of GHG calculation algorithms aiming at data input derived from accurate land cover and land use (LC-LU) classification and change detection on a local and regional scale. LC-LU change classification result will be used to evaluate GHG emissions from local ecosystems and project direct activity impact on climate change.

The activity has ended. The Environmental Solutions Institute has adapted remote sensing monitoring tools for the evaluation of GHG emissions in diverse landscapes. The results of the activity are summarized in a report.


Replicability and Transferability plan

The Replication and Transferability Plan will be prepared for strengthening and streamlining the replication activities in the project, and for exploring synergies with other initiatives. The Replication and Transferability Plan will be prepared during the third and fourth year of the project when the first results from methods will be available.

The activity has ended. The Replication and Transferability Plan is available HERE.

Monitoring of the impact of the project actions
Monitoring of the environmental impacts of the project activities

Detailed criteria and the precise number and structure of sample plots for necessary measurements will be determined during the development of monitoring schemes by accounting for the local conditions. A monitoring plan containing a specific task description of Actions C2, C3, and C4 will be developed.

The activity has ended. At the beginning of 2023, the project team prepared a monitoring plan, which defines what will be monitored, when and how, in order to assess the progress of the implementation of each activity. The monitoring plan is available HERE

The final report on the monitoring results is available HERE.

Monitoring and measurement of project performance indicators

Annual analysis of the data collected within Action D1 as well as other indicators not included in Action D1 description (such as communication and economic performance indicators) will be conducted.

The activity has ended. The final report on the achievement of performance indicators has been completed.


Communication and dissemination of results
Overall project visibility

The action will be led by coordinating beneficiary in co-operation with IES, who will be in charge for organizing the art event. All project partners will contribute to the preparation of information for the websites and the content of the seminars and participate with presentations.

The activity has ended. Informative stands on controlled drainage, no-till and biochar have been prepared and placed on all the farms participating in the project. Three videos have been made for each of the methods, they can be viewed HERE. In 2021, an art exhibition was held in Cēsi, in the barn of Cēsi Pilsmuiža. Information about the exhibition is available HERE.

Layman's report is available HERE.

Project result dissemination

The action E2 aims at disseminating the Project results. It will be done via the following activities:

  1. The international seminar - conference will be organized towards the end of the project;
  2. Guidebook dissemination seminar;
  3. GHG emission evaluation/monitoring methodology seminar.

The activity has ended. On October 28, 2021, a seminar was held on the determination of GHG assessment in agriculture, forestry and other land use. The recording is available HERE. On April 17, 2024, a conference on climate-friendly agricultural methods was held. The recording is available HERE. In 2024, a manual for farmers was created. The PDF version of the manual is available HERE.

Networking with other projects

At the beginning of the project, other relevant EU projects and other relevant stakeholders will be contacted. The target audience at the international/EU-level consists of relevant EU projects, agricultural/environmental administrators, researchers, and policy makers dealing with environmental and agricultural issues. As the project partners have widely different experiences, expertise and duties within the project a total of 7 study tours and 4 dissemination events are foreseen.

The activity has ended. During the project, all involved partners participated in various seminars and exchange trips. Form example, staff from the Institute for Environmental Solutions went to the Finnish Meteorological Institute and the University of Helsinki to learn about different methods for measuring GHG emissions. In May 2019, farmers involved in the no-till activities went on an exchange trip to Finland and got acquainted with their experience gained over the last 14 years. Project staff has also participated in the international conference "ADAPTtoCLIMATE" with a report.

Lessons from the experience exchange trips can be found HERE and HERE.

Project management
Project management and administration

The activity is implemented by the Latvian Fund for Nature, the Institute of Environmental Solutions, the Latvian Rural Consultation and Education Center, the Czech Science and Society Center.

The activity has ended.

External audit

The final audit will be done at the end of the project. At the end of each calendar year (except the 1st year) auditors will check the project expenditure reports from all partners. The audit will be performed by an external auditor.

The activity has ended.

After LIFE plan

After-LIFE plan will be prepared by coordinating beneficiary (project manager), with the help of associate beneficiaries. The After-LIFE plan will summarize all the opportunities and set the roadmap for further actions.

The activity has ended. The After-LIFE plan is available HERE.


For farmers

Use of biochar as soil amendment and its impact on GHG reduction has not been tested in Latvian climate conditions. Application of biochar to soil can reduce N2O emissions by up to 80% and eliminate CH4 emissions, which both are more potent greenhouse gases than CO2.
Read more
No-till farming is a way of growing crops without disturbing the soil through tillage. No-till technique increases organic matter retention, therefore increases also carbon storage, and cycling of nutrients in the soil.
Read more
Controlled drainage provides nutrient retention, thus reducing the costs for fertilisers, as well as improves the quality of the water leaving the drainage system.
Read more



Project "Climate Responsible Agriculture for Latvia" 
LIFE16 CCM/LV/000083
Project manager
Ģirts Strazdiņš
Phone +371 67 830 999